Monday, October 3, 2011

Desert skies

Happy Monday, everyone!  Another week has begun.  The desert has been oddly humid, and while rain does not seem imminent, one always hopes for it in this dry land.  Today has begun with more clouds than usual.  We shall wait and see.  If nothing else, the clouds make for magical sunset skies.
Taken right after the sun disappeared last night.
Most of the weekend was spent with paperwork and business.  I was grateful to be in the studio once more yesterday.  It felt like heaven.  Today will be another studio day, once I finish on the computer.  So you know this will be a short post. 

M is still gone, far away.  He's flying airplanes in countries I have never been, seeing things I will never see.  I feel fortunate to live in a time when I have a computer to talk to him with video (when the internet works well enough.)  We celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary on Saturday.  He sent roses.  I sent kisses, because there is no address where I can send things.  The last time I tried to send him something in the mail, it took a month to reach him.  If it weren't for the fuzzy dog, you know things would be getting pretty desperate around here.  Maybe the reason I have painted so many rabbits is because they are the only visitors I get every day, without fail.  The desert has its own way of making me feel welcome.

"Accessory."  Charcoal and pastel, 7 x 6 1/4 inches.  
May you all have a lovely day! 


Deb Ammerman said...

Congrats on your wedding anniversary! Pretty roses! My hubby and I celebrated our 25th anniversary last month... seems like the blink of an eye... at times ;) Your pastel drawing looks great! hope you had fun in the studio!

Annie said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!xoxo

bigBANG studio said...

Happy belated wedding anniversary, K. That is something to be seriously, seriously proud of. Love you!