Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cold Spell

We had a sudden cold spell here in Joshua Tree.  Many of you know that I am not a lover of the cold, and so the change in temperature has left me a bit grumpy.  Or maybe it's the fact that I am now in the midst of framing hell.  I really don't like framing.  At all.  I might even go so far as to say I hate framing.  I hate framing even more than I hate cold weather!

I had actuallystopped using my favorite medium, pastel, because it has to be framed in order to be displayed or transported safely.  I had not worked in pastel for 2 years.  Now I have a stack of new pastel paintings of the Joshua Tree, and I am trying to work up the courage to frame them.  But I wasn't quite ready for that just yet, today.  So I thought I would put frames on some of my oil paintings.  I have done a few paintings on board and they needed frames.  That should be easy, right?  I don't want to go into detail, but suffice to say that I am not encouraged by my lack of framing progress.  At this rate, I will never be ready for the two upcoming shows!  eeeeeeeeeek!

I did want to share with you some photos from the marvelous sunrises we had last week, when we had some storms roll in and bless us with rain.  I was out early, in my pj's, tripping over cacti, clicking away with my camera.  (I was not the only one, I've discovered.  A like minded friend in Yucca Valley had the same impulse...great minds DO think alike.)

You don't get to see all the photos I took, because I plan to turn many of them into paintings.  I am not sure the photos capture the magnificence of that sunrise.  It seemed like every where I looked, there was something amazing to see.  It just kept getting better and better and then the sun exploded over the top of the mountains - I almost heard it!  Really.

I thank you all for stopping over to read this oft-neglected blog.  I DO plan to post more, once these two shows are over.  For my fellow bloggers, I would like to get a chance to catch up with you, and I hope to do that again, soon! 


ArtPropelled said...

I have one of these in my garden and looking out from our bedroom window it's where the sun rises every morning so I had a feeling of deja vu seeing your photographs.

Patty said...

It's always fun to look over your shoulder and experience life in the desert and in your studio. I feel your pain with the pastel framing. It's such a beautiful medium, but nasty to frame. Good luck!

julie king said...

these really are lovely photos!!