Tuesday, March 4, 2008

An error

Matthias has informed me that he thinks the photos I've been posting of "Joshua Tree Buds" are actually "Joshua Tree Blooms"!!! He says that the individual bracts don't actually open up. (which is what I was thinking happened.) I don't know!!! How am I supposed to know? I have never lived here before, and it's not like anyone in South Dakota (where I grew up) ever taught a class about "the life cycle of a Joshua Tree". Ya know? So, my darling, beloved readers, please don't be angry with me. I was not trying to lead you on, or deceive you into thinking there was some grand finale of the Joshua Tree blossom. Nothing like that. Deep down, I am still hoping that the individual bracts will actually open, and then I will have my envisioned reality. However, I feel that it is important that I keep that to myself, and tell all of you that this is "as good as it gets". So you won't hunt me down and destroy me for disappointing you. Not that I think you would ever do that, but I hate to let people down. Forgive me?

To hopefully console you, I have painted another painting, just for you. And I have walked all over the desert, taking more photos of Joshua Tree, whatever-they-ares. And more wildflowers. This white one, I am pretty sure, is Desert Chicory.


lee said...

I liked just seeing the tree, which I have never seen before. Love the paintings the reds and the greens, how many layers do you end on putting on a painting

pRiyA said...

the joshua tree photo is glorious. makes me want to sit in front of it and worship it with my eyes forever.
(deep down, i too want those bracts to open up karine...).

Archie and Melissa said...

Ha! Karine you are so cute. You could never disappoint me! I LOVE your new painting. The colors are amazing. You are on a roll!
:) m

Anonymous said...

The photo of the Joshua tree is simply Beautiful...I liked the other ones too...very nice!

High Desert Diva said...

While you're figuring out the Joshua Tree dilemma, I'll work on how to make sage brush beautiful.

btw...I like your new painting...

coloredsock said...

it looks like GIANT sized yucca attached to a fat tree. so awesome. i just saw some on google images--some looked like this, and there were some flowers that were open and star shaped.

pRiyA said...

after reading jenny's comment, i googled too and YES, the flowers do open!!!
can't wait to see you pictures then dear...

Linda O'Neill said...

Well, I guess I'll let it go THIS time!:)

Beautiful new painting...very ethereal. New color combo?...likie likie!