Today was another day spent creating new monotypes. I did not have a particularly productive day. Some days you just don't have the "spark". Today was like that for me. To be honest, I think today I had the "uglies". Everything I did seemed ugly. Which, of course, is not a nice feeling. I do think there might be one monotype that I like, but then again, maybe not. It's okay. I still am glad I got a chance to be in the studio. You never know what might come out of days like today. I have also noticed that sometimes at the end of the day I hate everything I did, but when I go back in a day or two, I find that the work is better than I thought. So maybe that's what will happen. I hope. I hope.
The holiday for me was fun. A little quiet. My husband is gone until January 7th, and no celebration is quite the same without him. I was fortunate to have friends who invited me to celebrate with them, so I wasn't completely alone. I don't mind being alone, actually. I get my best art done when I have alone time. It's good to have friends, too. I will never complain about friends!!! I think it's hard for others to understand how valuable my solitude is to me. I seem to need the quiet in order to really find the deep parts of my creativity. It is hard to explain, but I really have to climb into myself. (if that makes any sense)
Here is another monotype from last week. It measures 8 x 10 inches, and so far the title is "Three Gold Spheres". I might change the title.

I am not feeling eloquent, so I will put an end to this post. Maybe tomorrow the words (and the good art) will flow like water from a spring.